Welcome to the Greek World.Greek gods,Greek Myths, Greek Creatures.You will love this website you can tell you friends about it and your friends ,friends This website will have history, it will have stories, list of all the Greek figures, it will have the figure of month I LOVE GREEK MYTHS.It is one of the most compilcated Myths. After you have looked at my website you will be a greek pro just like me!
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Learn all about Greek Myths
Welcome to the Greek World.Greek gods,Greek Myths, Greek Creatures.You will love this website you can tell you friends about it and your friends ,friends This website will have history, it will have stories, list of all the Greek figures, it will have the figure of month I LOVE GREEK MYTHS.It is one of the most compilcated Myths. After you have looked at my website you will be a greek pro just like me!
P.S please leave a comment or a susgestion,or question and check out my forum and media page my website
Pages On my website
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- History[Titans,Gods]
- List of Greek figures[Demi-Gods,Gods,Creatures]
- Figure of the month
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Gods | Gods Of |
Zeus | Sky God |
Poseidon | Sea God |
Hades | God of the Underworld |
Hera | Goddess of Marriage |
Demeter | Goddess of Harvest |
Ares | God of War |
Apollo | God of Music |
Atermis | God of Hunters |
Hephaestus | God of Blacksmith |
Aphrodite | God of Beauty |
Athena | Goddess of Battle Stragety |
Hermes | God of Theives |
Dionysus | God of Wine |
Hestia | Goddess of the Hearth |